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Bear Yoyos

Bear Yoyos


Right, let’s be clear.  This is NOT a sponsored post.  But if Bear ever launches an affiliate scheme, I’ll be the first to sign up!

They’re meant for kids.  Each box with its dinky handle contains five packets.  And each packet contains two fruit leather yoyos (think liquorice catherine wheels) and a glossy, playing card-sized card.  The cards can be grouped into sets.  And saved and swapped.  And - this is what I love - every card has two rather astounding facts on the back.  Better yet, the facts are written in a spiral, so you have to twist the card around to read.  Fun!

You might gather that, with all the enthusiasm of your average seven year old, I’m smitten with these.  For a start, I’m a sucker for fruit in any shape or form (the yoyos are delicious - the peach ones are my favourites).  Add to that, they take me back in time.  When my brother and I were small, we used to collect the cards tucked inside packets of PG Tips (tea) - remember those?  And then I’m learning SO MUCH!  Did you know, for instance, that fish can suffer from seasickness?  Or that slugs have four noses?  That all flies are deaf?  Or that the average chocolate bar has eight insect legs in it?  (You probably didn’t want to know that one.)
All I’m saying is, if you spot these things in your local supermarket, treat yourself.  Open the little packets with all the glee with which you used to collect stuff when you were seven.  And it you need any swaps, you know where to come!


Bear Cards

Reader Comments (1)

Good post and lovely pics :0) We still gotta try this, thanks for the reminder ;0)

July 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMsXpat

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