


All content of this website, including text, images and music, is © Dixon Hill 2009-2012. Feel free to link to the site but, if you'd like to use anything you find here, please ask first.



IMG 4660


As the calendar turned from August to September, the season switched.  As suddenly as that.  One day we were basking in the loveliest summer for years, the next it was a memory.

Now the mist is sitting on the hilltops, occasionally falling down into the valley, shrouding the fields.  I'm gorging on blackberries as we walk the hedgerows - the best kind of breakfast-on-the-go.

The first leaves are dropping lazily whilst the rowan berries sing brightly.  There's a back-to-school feeling in the air - even for those of us who left school aeons ago.

This is my favourite time of year….the season in which I feel most comfortable.  Here's hoping it's as beautiful as the summer now fled.


My Mooching Kit

Mooching Kit


Our meanderings about the moors are rarely protracted affairs.  Which means I don't need a backpack stuffed with supplies.  

There are, however, a few useful basics I almost always have with me.

iPhone.  Best invention ever!  Camera, tape recorder and notebook rolled into one.  All my favourite camera apps are on there.  I use Voice Memos to record ideas for blog posts or poems as I walk.  And if there's too much wind noise to use Voice Memos, I scribble down my thoughts in Notes instead.

Florist's Scissors.  Useful for snipping sprigs of heather or other foliage.

Gathering Bag.  A plastic bag has lots of uses.  I like the ones sold as poop bags for dogs.  They're incredibly light and fold to next to nothing.  They have integral handles which make carrying your loot really easy.  And they're great for found and foraged treasure of all kinds - blackberries, bilberries, wild garlic and dandelion leaves, feathers and pine cones, etc. etc.  Can even be used for their intended purpose if necessary!

Insect Repellent.  An absolute essential round here at certain times of year.  Midges are pesky beasts!


Wonders of the World Charity Cycle

Russ Mark and Jake


This is a shout out for my nephew, Jake, who sets off tomorrow to cycle round the world!  He and his mates, Mark and Russ, will be visiting as many wonders of the world as possible and raising money for four great charities en route.

They're super well-organised and have an impressive website which they're planning to update regularly whilst travelling.  It's an amaaaaaazing adventure and I'm filled with admiration for them.

If you'd like to take a look at what they're up to or encourage them by donating to their chosen causes, here's where to go.

Bon Voyage, boys!  See you in 2015!!!


Just Sitting

Just Sitting


Like the rest of the UK, the Pennines have enjoyed a fabulous summer….and, up on the moors, I've frequently spotted folk on rocks….just sitting….just NOTICING.

Drinking in the view, watching the play of light and shadow, revelling in the warmth on their faces, listening to the hum of insects, smelling the dewy earth and the scent of wild flowers.

It makes me ridiculously happy to see people simply being aware of their surroundings.


You're The Only One!



Speaking of The Tigger Song (last post, remember?), here's a little coaching tool I've come up with that's guaranteed to make you feel all springy and on top of the world.

Click on this link and listen to the song (it'll take precisely 84 seconds).  Then re-write the words, replacing Tigger's name with your own.

If that doesn't remind you how gloriously and irresistibly unique you are, I don't know what will.  ;)

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